Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Hope you’re all thinking lovey-dovey, pink hearts and flowery thoughts today! Because of our weather, Todd and I are postponing our date night to next week, but we are celebrating a little with Davis at home this morning.
#snOMG #cantfreezethequeen #SEStorm #snowday …. Common hashtags in Charlotte this week. The snow was kind of insane around here! Looking in our backyard this morning was how I remember it looking when we’ve been skiing in the mountains of West Virginia and Colorado. I kept saying, “This is nuts!” Haha, I’m such a Southerner. 😉
In honor of this rare occasion of inches and inches of snow, I’m making my Five all about our snow week!
Thank you to April, Darci, Christina, and Natasha for hosting!
ONE: Family selfie in the snow. Davis is wearing a hat my brother had when he was a newborn! We look so cold.
TWO: I got some cooking done, including muffins and granola, some prep for a catering job next week, cake pops for a one of Davis’ BFF’s first birthdays, and a new recipe for GF spinach and sausage pasta.
THREE: The UNC-Duke game was postponed. Because the Dookies couldn’t make the 8 mile trip down the road to Chapel Hill. And they canceled right before the game. I get that the conditions were terrible for driving, but the tweets and Facebook posts from fellow Carolina fans were hilarious. #makedookwalk was trending yesterday. Love it! Now, there’s even a shirt.
FOUR: We weren’t able to drive to my parents’ house, but we sent each other pictures of our snow days. I wish we could have joined them sledding! Please look closely at this picture of my MOM sledding! It’s awesome – she’s completely off the ground. Olympics spirit I think. 🙂
FIVE: Since we’ve been homebound, we got a little organization accomplished. We cleaned out our guest closet, and I also went through some of my clothes. Thanks to inspiration from my cousin, I think I may try a blog sale. Thoughts?! Just a few of the items I’d like to sell.
Thank you for reading! Happy Friday, and stay warm!
Hello! Just stopping through from the link-up. Those cake pops look amazing! I hope you are enjoying the snow! We’ve gotten quite a bit up here as well. Have a nice weekend and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Saying hi from the link-up…I’m so impressed with your productivity during the snow days! My closet could definitely use some organization to get ready for spring. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I sooo hear you on the snow situation! I’ve been off from work since Tuesday, and the cabin fever has certainly set in! So happy you and your lovely family got to enjoy it! And props to you for being so productive! I made some granola myself just the other day! It’s the best, isn’t it! Have a lovely Valentine’s Day, Lindsay!
Khala @ The Birdie Bowl
Not gonna lie…I was bummed to miss out on the Charlotte snow situation!! Miss that place so much! 🙂 Your cake pops are perfection…they seriously look like they’re from Starbucks. And LOVE that hilarious pic…TARRRRRRR!!!!!!! 🙂