This list is certainly not comprehensive, but here are a few things I’m learning as a new mom:
- It’s difficult, but I was created for this role. God made me a mother.
- When my son falls asleep, sanity returns (if only for a little while).
- He will fall asleep (eventually).
- He will tell me when something is wrong. I don’t need to be paranoid.
- My husband is the greatest partner, and was also created for his dad role.
- My mom is amazing – because she’s already been through all of this – and because she takes care of Davis (and me) so well.
- Friends who are already moms are the best asset and are far more valuable than parenting books.
- I need to be confident in my decisions as a parent.
- It is okay to rock him a little extra or hold him a little longer.
- Everything that Todd and I said about not letting his schedule take over our lives – forget it! Sleep is key. If he needs to go to sleep, we stay home. Our exhaustion takes over our mental state.
- I will never feel completely like my old self again, and that is okay.
- Getting back to pre-pregnancy weight is possible, but not easy.
- Taking a little time for refreshment is necessary. Being alone for just a little while (even just a long shower or a trip to Target) makes me love my son that much more (and keeps me out of the loony bin).
- Every mom’s experience varies. Try not to judge.
- I don’t think I really knew a thing about life until I became a parent.
- I’m sure I will stay naive until I (hopefully one day) have more than one child. You can’t understand these things until you’re in a similar situation.
- I like to make lists more now than ever (because accomplishing to-dos and checking them off the list is that much more gratifying while simultaneously holding and feeding a baby).
- I am such a sap. I cry more easily than ever (at commercials, baby animals, you name it).
- I need to be okay with learning as I go. As much as I read and research and plan, I also have to go with the flow (easier said than done).
- I will always be his mom, no matter what. Praise God for that gift.
Having the responsibility and role of motherhood is overwhelming, exhausting, emotional, painful, heart-wrenching, heavy, and it wrecks you (in the most amazing ways). It fills you with joy, gratitude, warmth, instinct, pride and humility, pure happiness, laughter, and endless, unconditional love.
These 6 months have been so difficult, but also the best 6 months of my life so far. I thank God for my husband who loves me and holds me up every day. He is an incredible dad. I also thank the Lord for making me a mama and for giving me the most precious son.
Your list of what you have learned is beautiful 🙂
This made me teary. He is a very blessed little boy. And he has been prayed for for a long time by a lot of people 🙂