Over the weekend, Davis had his 9 month birthday! It seems like I just wrote the post about him at 8 months. And yesterday morning when I picked him up out of his crib, he definitely seemed heavier. I am trying to do a better job of cherishing the quiet “baby” moments, like giving him a bottle and rocking him as he falls asleep before bed time. I know those moments won’t last forever, so I need to take advantage of them now!
Here are some pictures from the last month.
Trying to ride on Kenan’s back. Davis is obsessed with our golden retriever.
With his cousins
With cousins & friends: Bryleigh, Clara, Landin, Davis, Camden. I adore this picture!
- I don’t know his exact weight, but I’m assuming around 20-22 pounds. At his 6 month check up, he was in the 11th percentile in weight and 60th in height. We have his 9 month appointment soon.
- He is in some 6-9 month clothing, some 9-12 month clothing, and mostly 9 month or 6-12 month pajamas.
- He wears size 4 diapers.
- His hair is getting so much longer, and more blonde. He loves when we brush it after bath time.
- Pulling up to his feet and walking along furniture. Do we need to baby proof? Absolutely!
- He is feeding himself some.
- He is starting to wave.
- He is cutting 2 more teeth – the top middle 2!
- He signs “more” and we are working on “all done.” I’m also trying to teach him “milk,” “eat,” and I need to work on “please.” We’ll see how it goes. 😉
- He takes (3) 8 oz bottles of formula each day: one when he wakes up, one around 1 pm, and one before bed.
- He eats 3 meals each day. Breakfast is banana and oatmeal, with extra fruit (strawberries, apples, or mango). Lunch is normally fruits, veggies, and some egg. Dinner is typically fruit, veggies, and avocado. He also sometimes eats puffs while he’s waiting for us to fix his meals.
- New foods this month: butternut squash, watermelon, cauliflower, egg, mango, strawberries.
Fun Things:
- He is still obsessed with Kenan (our golden retriever).
- Every now and then he will just concentrate on and play with one toy. It is so cute to watch.
- Other than the rare moment mentioned above, he is all over the place and into everything!
- He can now ride in the wagon my parents gave him.
- When we went to the beach with Todd’s family at the beginning of August, he had so much fun with them in the ocean!
- He loves to watch Todd do any projects around the house – putting together his wagon, vacuuming, spraying the doors with WD-40. It’s the little things in life. 😉
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