Happy 10 month birthday, baby boy! Gosh, I can’t believe how quickly you’re growing. I try not to think about it much. Being a mom is emotional enough, without thinking too often about how my baby getting closer to toddler age!
Also, I’m starting to get to work on his first birthday party. I really can’t believe that!
Here are some pictures from the past month:
- At his 9 month appointment, which was actually done when he was 9.5 months, he weighed 19 lb, 11 oz (50th percentile) and was 29 inches long (75-80th percentile).
- He is about to grow out of 6-12 month pajamas. He wears 9-12 month clothes. His 9 month clothes are too short!
- He wears size 4 diapers, and we’ve started to use Pampers Cruisers size 4 at night.
- His hair is getting much thicker in the back, especially.
- He takes 2 naps each day, and we are getting on more of a routine!
- He has his top 2 middle teeth.
- His top 2 lateral incisors are also coming in. That will be 6 teeth total, including the existing 2 on the bottom!
- He is all over the place and really starting to get into everything: opening doors and drawers.
- He claps and gives high fives.
- He dances some when music comes on!
- This is similar to last month: 3 bottles of formula, and 3 meals.
- He just eats more food than last month! For breakfast he eats a lot of oatmeal (5 “cubes” worth – I freeze his food in ice cube trays), plus some fruit. For lunch he’ll have 7 “cubes worth” and some puffs or pieces of something like apple. For dinner we like to give him 6 “cubes” of fruit and veggies, plus avocado, and usually an egg (scrambled or boiled). He likes the egg mixed in with something, like avocado.
- New foods this month: blackberry and raspberry, pumpkin, black beans, scrambled egg, pita bread, pieces of apple.
Fun Things:
- He has been loving books lately. He likes to pull all of them down from the bookshelf in his room.
- He thinks any little game his daddy plays with him is hilarious! He just loves him!
- He understands some of his toys better. He pushes the on-off buttons back and forth on his musical walker. My parents gave him a wooden toy with a circular ramp. At the top, you push the different balls through the hole, then watch them go down the ramp. He has learned to push the ball in the hole.
- He looks under furniture now to find things or to play peek-a-boo.
- He still really loves Kenan and the vacuum!
- He makes “raspberries” with his mouth all the time.
- He makes a “who” whistling sound often. My mom said he should’ve been an owl for Halloween!
Not So Fun:
- He has cried every time we’ve left him in the nursery at church for the past 4 or 5 weeks.
- He is not a fan of sippy cups. We can get him to drink out of a regular cup, though.
- He already has a strong will and can get an attitude when he’s frustrated. Those toddler years are coming too quickly!!
- This isn’t bad, really, but he does not like to be contained or still! He rolls all over the place when we change his diaper, he hates getting in his car seat, and he just does not stop moving!
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