This post is up 2 days late, but as of Friday Davis is 11 MONTHS OLD! The fact that he will be 1 in just a few weeks is quite unbelievable to us. We have been blessed with a healthy, active, fun baby boy, and we are so thankful!
These posts are mainly for our memory, but I’ve posted several pictures from this month, along with some “milestones” I want to remember.
Happy 11 month birthday, bub! You have completely stolen our hearts!!
- From last month: At his 9 month appointment, which was actually done when he was 9.5 months, he weighed 19 lb, 11 oz (50th percentile) and was 29 inches long (75-80th percentile).
- I think now he is at least 30 inches, probably longer, and weighs somewhere in the low 20s? He has recently gone through a growth spurt.
- He wears only 12 month + pajamas, and some of those are too small. He wears 12-18 month clothes, but is also growing out of some of those. Some 12-18 month jeans that fit him last weekend were too small on him on Thursday. He grew out of them in 5 days!
- He wears size 4 diapers, and we use Pampers Cruisers size 4 at night.
- He sometimes takes 2 naps each day, but this has been inconsistent lately.
- He goes to bed around 6:45 or 7, unless he hasn’t napped that day and he’ll go down earlier. He sleeps about 12 hours!
- He has 4 teeth on top, and 2 on bottom. No new teeth since last month, but the top ones are growing in more.
- He is still all over the place and really starting to get into everything: opening doors and drawers. He loves the dishwasher and closing the refrigerator door.
- He laughs more frequently – sometimes at himself, sometimes at us, sometimes at a book or show. Todd can always make him crack up!
- It seems like he is trying to stand up. He goes from sitting and barely comes up to his feet but leans forward and lands on his hands. He also crawls with one knee down, and the other foot on the floor.
- He is starting to sign “All Done.”
- He still eats 3 meals, but we’ve had to give him more food. He eats a lot!! He gets 2-3 bottles per day.
- We started trying to give him whole milk in a sippy cup at lunch.
- He eats more finger foods, and his food that is pureed is much chunkier than how I used to make it.
- New foods this month: yogurt, chicken, whole milk. Also, we discovered that he likes to take bites of apple straight off the whole apple. There is a picture of this above. He totally stole half of Todd’s apple!
- He is starting to be more picky. He definitely prefers fruit and yogurt to green veggies, but he still eats those vegetables.
- His pincer grasp is much better recently.
- He drinks out of sippy cups and straws now!
Fun Things:
- He is still loving books!
- He loves to jump on furniture while holding on to our hands or to the side of the furniture. His Uncle Patrick discovered that he loves to play on the club chairs in our den, and he will stand in his crib and hold onto the rail and jump.
- He likes wearing hats.
- He has gotten much better at walking behind the musical walker.
- He still really loves Kenan and the vacuum!
- He clicks his tongue all the time.
- He tries to imitate whistling, and he is making more sounds. He says, “Go, go go,” “Boo,” “Dada,” “Ah-da,” and every once in a while he’ll make the “Ma” sound, but that is rare.
- My cousin let us borrow a walker toy. He stands in it and his feet touch the floor so that he can walk. He figured it out and really likes it!
- He is enjoying stuffed animals more. We started putting one in his crib with him, along with his lovie and blanket. My mom got him some fox stuffed animals for Halloween and he loves them!
- He has been like this for a while, but I wanted to document that he definitely knows who people are, and easily goes to his grandparents, my brother, etc. I love to see this! He also seems to really enjoy being with his cousins.
Not So Fun:
- He still fusses when we leave him in the nursery at church, but it seems to be improving.
- He still does not enjoy being contained. Diaper changes and getting him in the car seat are a challenge, but once we’re driving in the car he’s usually fine.
- Not napping well was a big challenge this week. Praying it will be better next week!
Davis, you constantly impress me! I love watching you grow and learn! I’m only lucky lady to be your mama!!
And he’s a lucky boy to have you for his mama! What a joy it has been to watch you and Todd love and “parent” your sweet little boy! He has stolen all of our hearts! I had heard how wonderful it is to have grandchildren – I just didn’t realize just how wonderful! Dad and I are so blessed!