On Saturday Davis turned 15 months old. That number seems so big. I can’t think about it for too long or it makes me sad!
Davis is definitely acting older, “talking” more (some words, some jibber-jabber), and attempting to walk. He has taken a few steps without holding on, but he’s not a solo walker yet. He will walk while holding on to us with one hand, though, which is new!
He loves airplanes, trucks, trains, Kenan, his Y bike, coasters (so random!), baths, looking at himself in the mirror, being around people – especially family, saying “bye bye,” eating veggie straws, iPhones, books, his daddy, cows, Baby Einstein, and he still loves bananas.
Here are some pictures from the last month:
We love our little man more than words can say! Happy 15 months, baby boy!!
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