If you’re a mom, or are pregnant, or are hoping to be a mom, read these. Especially if you’re a stay at home mom, please read these. I’m sure you’ve seen one or both on some form of social media, but if not, read them. You’ll laugh and you’ll cry and it will be worth it. I cracked up from some comic relief and I also had a mama attitude check that I truly needed. Being a mom is so hard, and learning from other moms is essential! I hope you enjoy these.
“Mommy, Somebody Needs You” Oh, how I needed to read this, right at the moment that I did, last weekend! It made me cry, but I learned a lot and it has stayed on my mind and helped encourage me this week. I even tried to overcompensate and teach our son about 6 new skills on Monday. Ridiculous I know, but still, a great reminder that HE NEEDS ME. Her words truly helped soften my heart. What an incredible blessing and duty to be a mama!!!
“25 Ways You Know You’re a Stay at Home Mom” Todd saw this on Facebook and shared it with me. HILARIOUS. It’s true too. Except the part about offering Jehovah’s Witnesses a dirty martini. It would be our FedEx lady because she is so kind and won’t even ring our doorbell because she worries she’ll wake up Davis. And we don’t do dirty martinis around here. More like a cake pop or a margarita. 😉 Kidding. Seriously, read it and enjoy the laughs!
And I know we’ve all seen this, but I use it as a regular reminder of what my role is right now.
i hadn’t seen that “stay at home mom” list and it cracked me up! the heating up my coffee for the 100th time! or the needing a drink by 9 AM, spot on and so hilarious! thanks for sharing these…much needed for perspective and for a good laugh!