Our little guy turned 16 months last week! He is walking and talking more every day. The last month has definitely been a turning point for our family. Walking and just taking off as soon as he stands up is new. He climbs more now, can reach higher points, like door knobs. Thank goodness he can’t turn them yet! He pulls everything out of every cabinet, no matter how heavy it is! And beware, if he comes to visit, he’ll probably do this at your house too. 😉 Right, Mom?
I have posted more details about his growth and learning below, but first, pictures!
He is speaking a lot more! His words are not 100% consistent, and they’re still very much toddler language, but I’m proud of his progress with talking! He says: mommy (sometimes, and it usually sounds like ‘bobby’ or ‘boppy’), daddy (sometimes sounds like ‘gaggy’), bye bye, hey, doggy, quack, bow wow, please, banana, moo (or ‘boo’), tractor, truck, ball, “Boo Boo” when he looks at that book (from the “Gossie” series), and he tries to say “cock a doodle-doo” when he watches Baby Einstein. The other day I said, “Gah” in frustration and he clearly repeated me. Not that “gah” is bad, but oops! Need to be more careful since he’s repeating more now.
He LOVES all kitchen appliances. When I’m baking and using my mixer, he must be picked up so he can see. In the mornings I let him push the button to help me make my smoothies. Davis also loves the washer and dryer. He loves to dance! When music comes on, he’ll shake his butt or move his shoulders! So great. He is starting to understand coloring, so we let him use crayons occasionally. One of his current favorites is my watering can. He just carries it around the house! He also enjoys bath time, but I think his favorite part of it is throwing his toys in the water.
He is strong-willed already, and I’m a little, ok a lot, worried about this! He likes to test us when we tell him not to touch something, he does not like to cooperate when you want him to go a certain direction – you know, like not walk towards the street or down the stairs. Writing this is giving me more anxiety – haha! Speaking of stairs, he loves them and thinks he can walk down them like a grown-up. Meal times are growing to be difficult. Dinner is especially hard. He throws food, refuses to try food (even if he’s had it and liked it in previous meals), and is super picky.
We do have some food/drink positives though! He can use a fork! If he’s eating roasted sweet potatoes, eggs, or something with a good consistency like that, he can stab the food and feed himself. Also, we no longer use a bottle at all (and haven’t for at least a month). He just has a few sips of water during bed time. He drinks out of a straw much better. We use cups with straws for smoothies.
I don’t know his exact height and weight, but I’m pretty sure he’s been through a growth spurt. Some of his 18 month clothes, particularly pajamas and Target brand clothes, are getting snug and short on him. He’s also been teething. He isn’t still or cooperative when I try to see his teeth, but he has at least 13, and I can see more under his gums. Poor thing! His teeth have come in so fast! He does love to have his teeth brushed, so that’s good. His hair has gotten thicker as well. Todd gave him his first hair cut this month!
Can’t believe he’s growing so fast! He makes me tired and drives me crazy some times, but goodness gracious I absolutely adore him! He constantly entertains us, makes us laugh, and is just an incredible gift to Todd and I.
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