Happy Labor Day, and welcome to September! I can’t believe that Summer is coming to an end. It’s still hot as blazes in the South, so my wardrobe isn’t changing much, nor have I ordered a PSL. 😉 But the pool and beach days are sadly over, and it’s time to get into more of a routine.
Today is also Davis’ 21 month birthday! I’m not going to do a full post update this month – I’ll save that for next month since that’s the pattern I’ve been doing lately. But of course there are plenty of pictures of him in this post!
I wanted to document some of our memories from the last month or so…
Splash park fun with the Hursts and Pooles
Dressed up for date night for Todd’s birthday
Apparently he thought the volleyball was supposed to go on top of the tee.
The dirt and his friends were his favorite parts of his daddy’s flag football game My favorite picture from Neely’s shower
Playing with Granddaddy
Wyatt and Davis got in on the Love Week serving.
Our church had a live worship album recording concert at Time Warner Arena. It was incredible!
Todd’s older brother, his mom, and his dad all have July birthdays, and Todd’s birthday is in August. Plus, his brother, Joel, was just promoted in the military, so we had a Kingdon family celebration at our house a few weekends ago. Davis helped me make a banner, and we all crammed around the tables for a cookout dinner!
The 3 of us went to the greenway last weekend for a (hot!) long walk.
Cam showing Davis how the ice bucket challenge is done!
Poor Kenan. Davis thinks our golden retriever is the greatest thing ever. I’m not so sure the feeling goes both ways, though. Swinging at the park! Right after this he climbed up to the top of the jungle gym (I got up there with him) and he had a total screaming meltdown. So that was fun. Ha!
This is a rare sight…Davis laying still on the floor. My boys are loud and make messes and sometimes drive me crazy, but I sure do love them.
I hope you all have a fantastic holiday!
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