Though the weekend is always something I look forward to, I really have no reason to complain about this past week! Davis and I spent time with several of his friends and my mommy friends, I was able to have a coffee date with my best friend (she lives in France) who is in NC for the summer, and Todd and I had a date last night! Huge thanks to my mom for keeping our little guy! They’ve had squirt gun fights and eaten homemade popsicles. Grandparents are the best!
Todd will be traveling a lot soon, so I’m looking forward to a weekend with no set plans. I hope you all have a fantastic Friday and rest of your weekend!
I’m linking up with April; Karli; Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Five on Friday, Oh Hey Friday!, and Friday Favorites.
ONE: I posted on Instagram earlier this week about how I hardly ever wear real clothes and fix my hair and makeup. As a stay at home mom, I typically feel like a hot mess! These days I’m either wearing gym clothes or pool clothes, and I rarely feel “fixed up.” Well this week I have worn a real outfit so many times, I had to document it! (Today I’m back in gym clothes).
TWO: As a housewarming gift, my sister-in-law, Ginna, gifted me with some prosecco (my fave!) and this awesome candle from World Market. The scent is Peach Nectar and I’m obsessed. She also said the honeysuckle scent smells delicious. I will certainly buy more of these candles in the future!
THREE: My long-awaited coffee date with Casey! I’ve talked about her on here before – she and I have been best friends for years. We went to most of middle school, high school, and college together, and now we’re only able to see each other a couple times a year. Her family comes home to NC each summer, and it is a high priority for me to visit! One of those friendships that never waivers, even though we rarely see one another.
FOUR: Have any of you read any books by Liane Moriarty? I read The Husband’s Secret on our trip to the Dominican, and Big Little Lies while we were at the beach over the 4th. I think Big Little Lies is my favorite so far, but I enjoyed them both! They are great beach reads, with plenty of complexity.
FIVE: As I mentioned before, Todd and I had a date night last night! We enjoyed some (new to us) places to eat and drink in Charlotte. I’m planning to write about those soon, if you’re looking for date night ideas.
Okay, a few blogging thoughts…I was doing my usual perusing of blogs this morning on Bloglovin and I ended up coming across some really negative commentary about a blog that I follow and read almost daily. I am NOT a fan of being negative simply because you have the freedom to comment. I avoid GOMI, because it truly spoils my opinions of my favorite blogs. But this particular set of commentary had a point. People were calling out a blog, one of my favorites, for being inauthentic, materialistic, and dishonest. I still feel like such a blogger rookie, and am always open to changing and adjusting how I blog, etc. This morning I learned a few things:
1. Be authentic. People appreciate transparency, honesty, and real-life moments. Though I never plan to share every tiny detail of our lives, I can do my best to stay authentic on my little online space.
2. Respond to comments. This is, admittedly, not my strong point. I need to schedule my days better so that blogging is more of a priority, and along with that, networking and replying to other bloggers! I apologize to those of you who I have ignored. It was not my intention to be rude, but I’m very sorry!
3. I need to explore and find some new blogs to follow – ones that are not solely focused to making money. I can and have learned from blogs through others’ experiences, and I know there are more blogs out there with great ideas. Reading others’ ideas, recipes, motherhood experiences can enhance my faith and my creativity. There are some solid, talented women out there sharing their lives and ideas – just need to find them. The link-ups are a great start!
Sorry for the rant, guys. Just needed to speak my mind for a second. 😉 Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog. I greatly appreciate it!
Where do you buy your tanks?
Girl you look amazing in all your outfit snaps as does your hair!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Thank you, Biana! You’re sweet! I hope you’ve had a great weekend as well.
I know what you mean! I hate seeing mean comments on my favorite blogs! It ruins the experience for me! Constructive criticism is always hard to write but those that do it well are truly gems! I LOVE Liane Moriarty’s books! I JUST finished What Alice Forgot this morning! The end of the Husbands Secret was my favorite but I loved Big Little Lies the most as a whole. What Alice Forgot isn’t as strong as the other two but I think you would still enjoy reading it by the pool or beach!
Marisa, thank you for your comment. I appreciate it! I kind of regret seeing those negative comments about the blog I love. I’m trying to view it as a learning experience for my personal blogging. I want to read What Alice Forgot, mainly because I want to finish out reading her books – it may be my next beach read. Thank you for the feedback!
Love your white tops in these pictures! May you please let us know where they are from? Thank you!!
Thank you, Ilda! First one is from TJ Maxx, the gray tank is Forever 21, the cami blouse is from Loft (love this one – very versatile), and the last one, the flowy one, is from Target!!
1. Your real clothes look just like mine… and white, lol! I love the look because it’s classic but I’ve been trying to add some pops of color this Summer!
2. Thanks for the book suggestions! I am looking for some good Summer reads so I think I will check those out.
3. GOMI. I don’t even know what to say. I love it and I hate it. I would never participate in commenting and I definitely do NOT always agree with their comments but sometimes…..they make good points. There is a very popular blogger that I still continue to read when it is SO obvious that most of her posts are done to make a quick buck(or waayyyy more than one) and it does turn me off.
Suzanne, as soon as I posted this I realized I need some more color in my life – ha! You’re right, neutrals are just classic and easy. I hope you enjoy the books! I’m trying to look at what I’ve read on GOMI as a learning experience…I do not agree with a site solely focused on breaking people down. However, I can learn what people like reading and it is also a reminder to be authentic. Thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to comment! Comments like these have kept me encouraged to continue blogging
1. Your real clothes look just like mine… and white, lol! I love the look because it’s classic but I’ve been trying to add some pops of color this Summer!
2. Thanks for the book suggestions! I am looking for some good Summer reads so I think I will check those out.
3. GOMI. I don’t even know what to say. I love it and I hate it. I would never participate in commenting and I definitely do NOT always agree with their comments but sometimes…..they make good points. There is a very popular blogger that I still continue to read when it is SO obvious that most of her posts are done to make a quick buck(or waayyyy more than one) and it does turn me off.
Loving your post. The outfits and chic and simple. You must tell us where that gray tank is from! I’m in need. I recently read Big Little Lies over the course of a weekend because I was so hooked. I think she is a great author and I’m burrowing The Husband’s Secret from a friend soon. I now want to go buy that candle for a friend of mine who just got a new place- I love honeysuckle, so I think I will give that one a whirl. How cute is the tin too! Perfect for re-use.
Just came across your blog on the Friday link-up! I love the outfit with the white jeans and black top! I struggle to get out of my yoga pants and into real clothes too but have been making more of an effort lately to look more “put together”. I also just read The Husbands Secret and am looking forward to reading Big Little Lies.
Britanie, I feel ya with the yoga pants issue! It’s tough! This weekend I have lived in casual clothes and unwashed hair. Real life, right?! 😉
Love all your outfits from this week! I’ve seen a few bloggers talk about Liane Moriarty so I’ll definitely have to check her books out! Good for you all getting a date night in 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Thank you, Kelsey! I love your blog name – I’ll definitely check it out!
Love these outfits 🙂
Chelsea @
Thank you, Chelsea! I appreciate it! Have a great rest of your weekend
You look gorgeous! Happy you got a date night with your hub. We don’t have kids [yet] and even then we still barely have time for date nights so I understand how few and far between they are! Happy Friday xoxo
Thank you, Owen! Yes, it’s so true that you have to make time for date nights. It is difficult to take a break from life, but it is so good for my husband and I to get out of the house and have a chance to reconnect. I hope you’re able to go on a date soon! Hope you’ve had a great weekend
I’ve been reading a ton this summer and loved Big Little Lies! I haven’t been as fond of the other bestsellers I’ve read. I will need to pick up The Husband’s Secret next! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer, Big Little Lies is my favorite read so far this Summer as well. My mom just finished reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and she enjoyed it. Maybe a good option for you, too!?
I loved both The Husband’s Secret and Big Little Lies. I have tucked Laine Moriarty into my favorite author category.Have you read anything else she has written?
K’Lynn, I have not read any of her other books yet. I’d like to read Three Wishes and What Alice Forgot. Any recommendations?? Thank you for commenting!
If you haven’t read What Alice Forgot, I recommend it. It’s also by Liane Moriarty–I love her books!
Holly, thank you! I’d like to read it soon!!
Absolutely loving those tanks and summer whites!
Absolutely loving those tanks and summer whites!!
Thank you, Lisa! I have to stop myself from solely buying white tops in the summer – I’m obsessed. 😉 Have a great day!
You look adorable regardless if your in workout clothes or other clothes! I completely agree with your blog thoughts! Xo, Stephanie
You are too kind! Thank you!