Our weekend was all about new babies! My cousin Sarah had their 3rd child, Ezra Patrick, on Friday! She went into the hospital on Thursday, so I went to the hospital several times. My mom and I helped with Bryleigh and Cam on Friday while she was in labor. Davis was in heaven!
The boys needed some outside time after meeting baby Ezra. Toddler boys can only be calm in a hospital for so long. 😉
Doesn’t Sarah look wonderful?! She was a champ, and Ezra is perfect!
We visited the Waxhaw Farmer’s Market on Saturday, after the recommendation of a couple friends. I loved it! We bought some local, grass-fed beef; organic arugula and okra; and some gluten free chocolate chip banana bread.
The other sweet new baby is Isabel “Izzy” Caroline! Our friends Erin and Jason have been waiting on a child for 7 years. They made the decision to adopt, and God gave them their precious daughter last week. She is beautiful and healthy, and we are so thrilled for our friends! A baby shower is in the works, and I will be sure to post all of the details.
While I was at the hospital visiting Sarah and Ezra, Todd and my brother-in-law installed our new kitchen island lights! I will post the details and some of my other lighting favorites in a post later this week.
They also got the gutters cleaned. Exciting stuff, huh?
What I wore to church. I found this t-shirt at Marshall’s recently for about $10. Clearly I am a fan of athletic style shirts – baseball shirt on Saturday and this on Sunday.
Todd and I finally worked out on Sunday. I have been pretty slack lately. I did this workout with him:
And then this ab workout.
Though I love summer, I am excited for a new season to begin soon. Davis begins preschool next week, and Todd and I both have several trips and some events coming in the next couple of months. Our calendars will be full, but I am grateful to be busy!
I hope you’re having a great Monday so far! Thank you for stopping by.
Love your island lights! So pretty. You’re finding some great (low-priced) items at Marshall’s lately. I haven’t been in one for far too long (my bank account thanks me).
Thank you, Jess! I used to have to avoid Marshall’s – far too tempting! But you can hardly beat the price tags. Have a great week!
Lindsay, your house is beautiful! I love the details!
Thank you, friend! It’s coming together. 🙂 Come over next time you’re in town!!
Those babies look good on you 😉
Thank you! 😉 There is nothing quite as sweet as a newborn.