I am back for the link-ups this week! I missed it last week, unfortunately, so I’m going to cram a lot into this post.
Hopefully you all have some nice Valentine’s Day plans this weekend. My husband was extra sweet this year and planned a quick getaway to where we met and fell in love: Chapel Hill! He got us tickets to a basketball game, and we are also meeting up with some friends from college. We have plans to walk around campus, because it is gorgeous and holds so many memories for us, so we’re just going to do our best not to freeze our tails off. 😉
I’m happy to be linking up with April, Natasha, and Christina; Karli; Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Five on Friday, Oh Hey Friday!, and Friday Favorites.
ONE: I found some healthier ideas for a Valentine’s breakfast with your family! With sickness going around, the extra sugar from typical holiday treats is certainly not needed. Lower-sugar, heart-themed it is!
Heart Fruit Kabobs with Yogurt “Dip” from parents.com
Heart-Shaped Potatoes, perfect for hash browns/breakfast potatoes! Or you could roast them! From fraichenutrition
Love Toast, egg-in-a-hole, heart-shaped. From Country Living
TWO: I found some pretty flowers at Trader Joe’s the other day, and I am hoping I can keep them alive! I had to google how to care for them, because, you know, black thumb! They’re called cyclamen, and came in small pots. I bought 2 for $7!
Speaking of Trader Joe’s, did you all see my “What I Buy from Trader Joe’s” post? I need to add to it, because I keep thinking of items I love! And I received some awesome comments with suggestions of what else to try!
THREE: I tried Juice Bar (the one on Park Rd) for the first time this week. I met with a new friend, and she introduced me to all of the goodness that they offer! We both had a slight cold, so we started with the Sniffle Stopper shot (lemon, ginger, cayenne, etc), then I tried a sample of Sweet Greens, Orange You Glad, and We Got the Beet. They were all surprisingly delicious. I chose Orange You Glad, and I will absolutely go back for more of everything! I was certainly impressed.
FOUR: I posted on instagram 2 whole weeks ago (see? catching up!) that I attended a culinary competition. It was for students at Johnson & Wales University, and was sponsored by S&D Coffee and Tea. They hold a 3-part competition for culinary students, and the winner receives a very significant monetary prize! The judges, and mentors for the students, are prominent local chefs! I sat at a table with some wonderful Charlotte food bloggers and writers, and we had a great time getting to know one another and tasting 2o different dishes! The company and the food were both lovely. The finale is in March, and I am looking forward to see which dish will win! Here are some highlights:
(the food pictures are all iPhone shots; the bottom picture is from the S&D Coffee and Tea Facebook page)
FIVE: And a little home inspiration for this freezing cold Friday…pretty things always help lift our moods, correct?! Todd and I have dreams of tweaking our kitchen a bit, including adding a backsplash. Our house has a rustic feel, and I think a washed brick backsplash could be a perfect addition!
Cheers to the weekend, and lots of extra love, everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day!
that kitchen is a dreammm! great blog my friend!
Thank you, Cait!
So so so jealous y’all are going to Chapel Hill this weekend!!! The place we met and fell in love too 🙂 enjoy! Xo
We actually didn’t make it. 🙁 Our little boy is sick, but we were able to spend some time with Todd’s family. Hoping we’ll make it to CH another time soon! Happy (late) Valentine’s Day!
I sooooo wish we had a trader joes near by- those flowers are so pretty!
Paige – yikes! I’m sorry to keep gushing about TJs!!! I hope you’ll get one near you soon