All I can think about right now is that this baby boy of mine can come any time now! Hopefully I will be sharing baby news soon, but until then, I did post some bump photos yesterday. I’m linking up with these girls to share my Friday Favorites: April, Christina, Natasha; Karli; Erika, Andrea, Narci; and Tif
ONE: All the pumpkin things. I recently posted a pumpkin bread recipe, and a link to a paleo pumpkin bread recipe that we enjoyed. This week we have been to the pumpkin patch, and we painted pumpkins! We are saving the carving for closer to Halloween. (This is now one of my absolute favorite pictures of D…my goodness!!!)
TWO: Late to the party, as usual! I finally started using instagram stories, and I may be addicted. It has honestly been a nice distraction since we have been playing the waiting game this past week.
THREE: I ordered from Sephora recently, and one of the samples they included was this fragrance by Nest. It smells amazing, and now I’m putting the full size on my Christmas list. The scent has a warmth to it, and is especially great for this time of year.
FOUR: While stuck inside during the hurricane this past weekend, I came up with a new recipe for Creamy Butternut Squash Carbonara. I posted the recipe over the weekend, and I wanted to share it again, because we truly enjoyed it! Comfort food that is also dairy- and gluten-free can be tough to accomplish, but this meal checks all of those boxes.
FIVE: Because how could I not post this photo of my handsome guy?! Also, we have an updated Carolina Panthers shirt for this season. I know our boys have not had the greatest season so far, but we are determined to NOT be fair-weather fans. 😉 Check out Honor Roll Designs for the t-shirt.
We also have some new, girly, Fall designs in. Stay tuned!
Enjoy the weekend, and this gorgeous weather!
The pumpkin patch looks like a ton of fun and the painting is always so fun 🙂