Seeing my oldest’s enthusiasm for holidays is amazing! He is excited to celebrate any holiday or birthday, and Halloween was no exception. Thankfully he is not a fan of scary things, though! Our littlest took part by wearing a fun pumpkin hat and jack-o-lantern booties from my mom!
On Friday our neighbors came over and we kept our tradition of carving pumpkins with them. Actually, the daddies did all of the carving. The boys ran around the yard with head lamps, flashlights, and squirt guns, and my girlfriend and I held the baby. 🙂
Todd’s mom and sister came to visit on Sunday, and his younger sister just happens to have a dinosaur costume, too!
Sunday night was Trunk-Or-Treat with friends at our church. The kids had a blast!
Todd and our neighbor took Davis and his buddy out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood last night. But before they left I got some pictures of our two boys. A dinosaur and a tiny pumpkin…melt my heart!
I can’t get over how much Ridge looks like Davis when he was a newborn! Twins!
I know! It’s kind of crazy! He’s starting to look a little different now, though. 🙂