Jumping right in to give you a very random list of things that I have been loving lately.
ONE: This jumpsuit. I found it at Marshall’s and I basically want to live in it. That doesn’t exactly work as a stay at home mom, but I took advantage of my first opportunity to wear it out! Todd and I went to Bakersfield a couple weeks ago, and wearing this while sipping a margarita and eating tacos was divine. Can I get an amen for date nights?! Anyway, I searched online and this jumpsuit is unfortunately no where to be found. BUT, I found a few similar ones. (I plan to wear mine in the Fall with a cardigan as well).
TWO: Nut Pods creamer in my coffee. Hallelujah for a dairy-free coffee creamer sans all the junk! This brand actually makes your coffee creamy. I ordered mine from Amazon. I haven’t tried the flavors yet, but the original is pretty great.

Nut Pods Creamer
THREE: A formula mixer. How did I not know about these things with my older son?! Baby brain is real, y’all! Ridge, our baby, is no longer breastfed (supply issues, another story for another day). He gets 4-5 bottles each day, and all of you mamas know how annoying it can be to shake up formula in individual bottles. I found this formula mixer pitcher and our lives were immediately improved (not exaggerating) by an $8 gadget.
Formula Mixer
FOUR: Speaking of baby things, if you have little ones who are starting to feed themselves, you NEED these bibs. They are silicone, easy to clean, flexible, comfortable on the baby, adjust to plenty of sizes, catch all of the food, and did I mention easy to clean?

FIVE: So I was not that into the Nordstrom sale this year. However, I did order one thing for myself: Zella workout pants. I have ordered these during the sale in the past and they are amazing! I picked this high-waisted, full-length pair for cooler days. There’s still time to order if you’re interested! Definitely worth it. (And only $36 on sale). For fit, I wear a small, but they are long enough that I could have possibly gotten an extra small.

Zella Workout Pants
SIX: This Loft sweater. The halter style neck is my absolute favorite style of sleeveless top. And it’s blush. AND it’s a sweater. So many favorite things in one shirt. I found it for 50% off, because Loft is almost always having a sale!

Halter Sweater
SEVEN: Matcha packets from Trader Joe’s have been getting me through the afternoons. For some reason it took me this long to try matcha. I do not know why, because I love green tea. Anyway, if you have a TJs nearby, try these! I have yet to purchase the special bamboo whisk that really makes matcha great, but a regular whisk works pretty well for one cup at a time.

EIGHT: A good old spray tan – at home! I have used this brand for years, and I still love it. For only $13, and being able to do it myself, it’s totally worth it. I realize it sounds vain, but you all know that tan legs make it easier to wear shorts and a bathing suit, right?! This comes with gloves and an application mit. I always exfoliate and shave before applying, and I put lotion on my hands, feet, ankles, knees, and elbows so that those areas do not absorb too much of the color. Usually I put a towel down in the bathroom and apply it while standing on top of that. Then I sit there for about an hour, do a face mask, whiten my teeth, and work on my computer or watch Netflix while it dries. Wear old pajamas or an old t-shirt to bed, then shower in the morning. It will get on your sheets, but it washes out!

Spray Tan
NINE: Individual guacamole from Costco has become my new favorite condiment and dip. I am normally not one to buy too many pre-made items (#foodsnob I know), but this guac is made from only the ingredients you’d put in homemade guacamole. And there are not any added weird, processed things. Plus it’s really tasty. I’m planning to look for more from the Good Foods brand next time I shop.

TEN: An inexpensive tassel coverup in the best color of blue! I meant to post this earlier this summer, but clearly I have been slack about blogging. I was frantically searching for a new coverup to wear on our beach trip at the beginning of July, and I found this $14 beauty from Amazon. Thank you, free 2-day shipping! I wore it to the pool recently and had several other moms come up and ask me where it was from. This affirmed my belief that you can find some great clothing pieces without spending a fortune!

Tassel Cover Up
Those are ten of the things I have been loving lately! Thank you for reading!
So much goodness in one post A few rambling comments as follows (ha) : I bought those zella leggings too / I have that same coverup in my Amazon cart, I need to pull the trigger (was thinking wine red) so I have more options for an upcoming Mexico trip! / I’ve been eyeing those tea packs, I have the bulk one.
Is that your first pair of Zella leggings? If so, you’re gonna love them! “Great minds” about the coverup. 🙂 Have a blast in Mexico!!!
Girl you’re rocking that jump suit. You look SO good! And I need that formula mixer!
You’re the sweetest, thank you. The formula mixer is seriously great!