Holy moly. It has been one hell of a week! And I am honestly glad it’s coming to an end. If you saw my post yesterday, you already know that we had a yucky house problem occur on Monday. It isn’t fixed yet, but we have gotten some answers, and we have calmed down about it. […]
Randoms: Our Weekend, Maternity Clothes, Pregnancy Skin Solutions…
This post may give you a glimpse into how my brain is working lately! Scattered and random. Lol! Some of my favorite posts from other bloggers are the ones like this, with an assortment of thoughts, tips, and wish list items. Also, I promise this space is not going to turn into a pregnancy blog. I […]
Five Friday Favorites
On this Good Friday, I am a busy bee in my kitchen, working on lots of Easter meals and prep! Stay tuned to my instagram for too many food pictures. And tonight we will be watching the Tar Heels play! I’m happy to be linking up with April, Natasha, and Christina; Karli; Erika, Narci, and Andrea […]
Friday Favorites
Long time, no see!!! I did not intentionally take a break from blogging, but it has really been so long. Life has simply gotten a little crazy (planning several events, computer issues, etc etc), and I haven’t made it a priority! But I am hoping to start a new pattern of blogging again. Because I […]
Friday Favorites
Another weekend is here, praise the Lord! I’m happy to be linking up with April, Natasha, and Christina; Karli; Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Five on Friday, Oh Hey Friday!, and Friday Favorites. ONE: Starting this list off with some pretty dresses from Asos that are making me want spring and summer to get here […]
Friday Favorites
Are you all living in a blizzard? We’ve got a winter storm here, and everyone in Charlotte is stocked up on bread and milk, and bracing for power outages and ice. My son has dreams of building a snowman…we shall see! While we’re snowed/iced in, I may be doing some online shopping. Why not?! I’ve […]