UPDATE: This is still my most popular post, by far. Because it is still checked frequently, I wanted to give current sources for similar clothing. Some of the pieces of the outfit (with the green baseball tee and plaid scarf) are no longer available, but I have linked to very similar options! Thank you for […]
Charlotte Hornets and Queen City Tank Tops
Completely using my blog to promote my husband’s and our friends’ t-shirt business. No shame! Haha, anyway, if you live in Charlotte, or are from Charlotte, or just love the Hornets, please check these out. Todd and Ryan have an Etsy shop: Honor Roll Designs where they design and sell sports-themed apparel. They have mostly […]
Time with Grandparents
Davis has had some good quality time with his grandparents lately. We went to the beach with my family, which I blogged more about here and here. He stayed with my parents while Todd and I were out of town for a wedding, and Todd’s parents came down a couple weeks ago to spend the […]
Five on Friday: My Spring Wardrobe Essentials
For today’s 5 I thought I’d do something different! I’ve been trying to figure what what I want to buy for Spring and Summer, so I thought I’d focus my 5 this week on what I consider some of the essentials for this upcoming season. Though I never buy a whole lot when the seasons […]
White Converse
Source: Fash n Chips Just some outfit inspiration for today. I’ve been trying to decide if I can pull off wearing white Chucks. I am dressed casually 95% of the time, and these might be a great addition to wear in the spring and summer with boyfriend jeans, shorts, or casual dresses. Thoughts? Anyone own […]
Five on Friday: Black and White Edition
I can’t believe it’s almost November!! Fall is here, the holidays are right around the corner, and it’s actually quite cold here in Charlotte this morning. Halloween is in a few days, and I have to admit that it just isn’t my favorite holiday. I DO NOT like scary things! But, one thing I do […]