Sometimes I am a terrible blogger. I really need to use Like to Know It or something so that I can link things for you guys on instagram! I receive questions often about where something is from, or what book I’m reading, and I wanted to compile a list of some of those in a […]
Friday Favorites
Can you all believe this is the last Friday in February?! 2017 seems to be flying by, and I can’t seem to keep up. Blogging has been so sporadic for me, but I am happy to be joining in with everyone again this week for another Friday Favorites post! I am linking up with April, Christina, […]
Friday Favorites
I intended on publishing this post much earlier, but the day has gotten away from me! Hi gals! I hate I missed linking up last week! I’m happy for the fun distraction today, because holy moly it’s been a long few days. Here are my Friday favorites! I am linking up with April, Christina, Natasha; […]
Friday Favorites
Happy freezing cold weekend, gals! Truthfully we hardly know what real cold is like in the South, but we are supposed to get some snow this weekend. My husband ran by Trader Joe’s yesterday just in case we get snowed in, and now we are fully stocked up on wine, plantain chips, and vegetables. We started […]
Friday Favorites
Happy Halloween weekend, gals! Normally I’m not a huge fan of this holiday because I am a total scaredy-cat! But I do love seeing Davis and his friends in their costumes. And I am currently addicted to M&Ms, which feels less like cheating since they come in the tiny trick or treat size bags. […]
Friday Favorites
All I can think about right now is that this baby boy of mine can come any time now! Hopefully I will be sharing baby news soon, but until then, I did post some bump photos yesterday. I’m linking up with these girls to share my Friday Favorites: April, Christina, Natasha; Karli; Erika, Andrea, Narci; and Tif […]