I’m going to jump right in to my five today. Happy weekend!
I’m linking up with April, Christina, Natasha; Erika, Andrea and Narci; and Karli.
ONE: I finally joined a CSA! It was hard for me to pull the trigger on it, because it looks expensive at first (when you break it down and compare it to grocery costs, it isn’t more than what I’d normally spend). But I’m so glad I joined, and I can’t wait to receive my first box. Dana from Organic Eater was helpful in leading me in the right direction, and I’ll now be getting bi-weekly organic, local produce from Bell’s Best Berries farm, along with pastured eggs. Woohoo! If a huge box of produce seems overwhelming, here’s some helpful tips from The Kitchn with 3 simple ways to use any vegetable in your CSA box. I will try to keep my blog updated with how I use my produce through the Summer.
TWO: Another thing I’ve been thinking about forever and decided to do this week was to cut my hair. She cut 5-6 inches off in the back, and 4-5 inches off in the front. I was so attached to my long hair, and I’m not really sure why. I’m enjoying it shorter, but am still trying to figure out how to fix it. The first picture is the day it was cut and dried at the salon. I did not like my hair straight when it was long, but I can wear it straight now! The second picture is from last night, when I used a curling iron to create some loose waves.
THREE: Todd and I have started personal fitness challenges. We each have a list of workout goals we’re aiming to achieve between now and Memorial Day, and my muscles already hurt! All the details are on yesterday’s blog post. Here is my challenge:
FOUR: In other health news, I tried kombucha for the first time this week. Any recommendations for other great brands or flavors? The ginger flavor was great. I don’t know why it took me so long to try. It was interesting at first, but I really liked it and have been craving another.
FIVE: I read this quote a couple weeks ago, right after Todd had brought me coffee in the morning. I completely agree! It’s just the best.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for stopping by!
I love your haircut!! So pretty!
Aww, Lindsey, thank you!
Your hair looks amazing and I love how you styled it with the curls!! Oh that challenge sounds great – good luck girl! Happy Friday! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Biana, thank you! If only the humidity wasn’t crazy down here, I’d curl it more often. I hope you’ve had a great weekend!
Stoping by from a link up. I wish my town had a organic produce thing like that. I hope you enjoy it! Have a great weekend!
I hope you’ve had a great weekend as well, Kayla. I’m sorry you don’t have as much of an opportunity to get local produce! I guess I need to make sure and not take this for granted!
Oh my gosh! Those veggies! They look so delicious you might have just talked me into joining a CSA.
They do, don’t they?! I say go for it, Erin!
Your hair looks stunning! And that last quote is for me… (but with tea!) x
You’re so sweet!! Thank yoU! I wish I loved tea as much as coffee – much healthier.
Your hair looks great!
I have tried kombucha and just cannot, cannot get past the first sip or two. I want to like it, I really do!
New follower, stopping by from Oh Hey Friday!
Laura, thank you for your sweet words about my hair! And, yes, the first sips of the kombucha were a bit of a shock. I just love ginger-flavored anything, so I think that helped. I’m so glad you stopped by! Have a great week!
Perfect timing on this post because I was just thinking yesterday morning about how I needed to look into a CSA this summer. I can’t wait to read more posts about how you incorporate all of that wonderful produce in your menu!
April, that’s great! Hopefully I can help with vegetable cooking ideas. I believe Bell’s Best Berries is still accepting members – not sure about other local CSAs. If you join one, please blog about it! Have a great week!
I’m so wondering if we have a CSA program here in Denver, I’m sure! I love the fitness challenge, we have been TRYING to be better but I feel like writing goals like you guys did is a good idea, I’m such a visual person. Hopped over from the link-up, how cute is your little man:)!!
Lauren, I bet you do! I think if you have local farms, you probably have one? Hope you’re able to find one! I’m the same way with fitness – I need something that I was committed to and the challenge helps! Have a great start to your week! Thank you for stopping by.
Your hair looks so pretty with curls! I wish I could get mine to do that
I need to try kombucha!!
Kylie, thank you! I use a curling iron because I’m terrible with a wand. It just takes practice.
Yes, can’t hurt to try it, right? Have a great Monday!
CSA is a brilliant idea! I’ll be watching to see how you are able to use your vegetables throughout the summer. I can always use more inspiration! And I love your new haircut. I’m in the fun postpartum stage of losing clumps, so I’m trying to find a new cut to help the transition period.
Thank you, Laura! I can’t wait to get my first box of produce! Yuck – postpartum everything is just rough. I’m sorry your hair is falling out. I cut about 6 inches off of mine after I had my son, and it grew back quickly. Plus being able to wash and dry it in less time is vital for a new mom. Good luck!
Your hair looks adorable
I love it so cute
Thank you, Chelsea!!
I love your white blouse !
Thank you! It’s a Forever 21 find.
Your hair looks fabulous! I have been debating about signing up for a CSA too so I can’t wait to hear your feedback! Xo, Stephanie